Re: No such thing
14369, there are no stupid questions.
The best way of having a healthy colon is to eat plenty of fibre as part of your normal diet. Also plenty of water. Good oils too. And exercise. And stay away from refined/processed/junk foods of all kinds. Lots of veg. Going to the toilet in the "natural" position - i.e. squatting not sitting.
Colonics, colemas, enemas & fibre shakes are really "fixes" for when we don't do all the above. Although some would disagree and say that everyone should do some bowel management.
Most of our ancestors survived without bowel management simply because on the whole they didn't need it. Reason - healthy diet/lifestyle.
As for stones. I produced stones on my first flush and every flush since (about 20-30 each time).
Personally I believe everyone who eats a refined diet (which is most all of us) could benefit from bowel management of some kind, and liver flushes.