I think everyone could benefit from your experience, even people who think their lives and their health are fine. I also have become more aware of what I put into my body, and what do we put in our body more of than food?? My husband thought I was a little weird at first but even he is starting to get into it. Just to notice when a particular food "feels" right after you eat it is a big step for him and me! My food thoughts were so clouded by what other people told me. Now that my body can tell me what it wants, I listen to IT alone! I now find myself getting into wild harvesting of certain foods. Where I live, now is the time of year many wild foods are available. And as long as you know the land you're harvesting from, you can be sure none of these wild harvests is contaminated by bioengineering, pesticides, or other harmful ingredients. Ever have a purslane salad? No one at Monsanto is going to try to make a hybrid purslane variety, and it is one of the best crops in my garden. The best part is I don't even have to plant it!! Nature, God, whatever you want to call it, provides. Always.