Re: Genital Herphes :( i cant win
ive been doing the ''full'' beck protocol now for about a month and I can say that since I started doing ''all parts of the protocol'' ive gained 7
pounds and im starting to stay up till 5 in the morning(this virus made me tired and couldnt stay up past 12am)
The redness on my forearm is slowly and I mean slowly diminishing....I have less pimples/small bumps on my shoulders and triceps.
The protocol is really cleaning house as far as the virus in my body and doing one or two parts of the protocol will not work....
I used to not make the CS and now believe it is the most effective part of the protocol...There are sometimes I even forget that I have it and feel so good that I almost want to skip it for a day or two but that just shows its effectivness.
if you cant afford all devices upfront I suggest the silverpulser and drink as much CS as you can and pulse as much as possible and drink alot of water(at least half a gallon a day)take a good multi-vitamin and a immune system booster & anti-viral like olive leaf extract or larrea....