hey poeple im a 24 year old male who suffers from alot of outbreaks its ruining my life i feel i cant have sex with another girl in case she gets infected and talks about me , or she notices the redness on my penis , ye even after an out break a certian part stays a red colour is there anyway to get rid of the redness? what u guys doing to calm the outbreaks , ive recently started taking multi vitamins , i think i get the outbreaks when i dont get enough sleep i work 12 hour shifts and sometimes just have 5,6 hours sleep before im off to work again , even seems if i masterbate i get an outbreak i dont feel like a man any more its really getting me down ive haerd about some Tea thats ment to stop outbreaks
WHY CANT THEY CURE THIS :( , my ex gave me this horrid thing :(