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Re: not quite sure
speechlessly50 Views: 2,026
Published: 19 y
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Re: not quite sure

I am thinking to boost up your immunity and kill the viruses for 3 weeks with ozone and garlic( add one more week to be safe even though HSV 1 showed up in 2 to 14 days ) , so the viruses all died of and will not develop into genital herpes of HSV1.

Currently, I drank ozone in water in the morning and swallow 3 cloves(5 cloves in 2 days for acute cold) in each of the two meals as to kill the Herpes viruses HSV2. Ozone and anti-oxidants cancel the effect of each other but ozone works in 10 minutes to kill the viruses in esophagus for my cold, so I still take it in the morning. Ozone is supposed to work for one hour to ?? hour in the body while its killing power will diminish as the ozone gets out of the body.

At one time, just two hours later after taking ozone, I start to have fresh vegetables which has a lot of vitamin C, E; and swallow raw garlic (selenium ) to offset ozone. ( I was thinking it takes time for the food to digest, so the cancellation time is just right for each other. ) My itchy throat feels so much better and my sore throat's viruses was killed in only two days with no coughing that I know it is worth it to have ozone and anti-oxidants together. ( There are " throat coat " herbal drink in health food store just to sooth the sore skins of throat part, so I know I am in right track to heal the throat part by killing bacteria by drinking hydrogen peroxide, and to clean the liver and lung. ) I do not have upset stomach even the ozone and vitamins cancel the effect of each other.

Readers, pls input how this person can kill the viruses just in case they are in the body.



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