Hmm interesting thought, seeing as to people are sue happy these days, I can see your thought process. However, I think that this notion is a bit rediculous. Suing someone over herpes seems a bit drastic. I mean if one is sleeping with someone else or doing other sexual acts then I would hope that there is love there and when one sleeping with someone they understand the risks of that act. The only way one could sue was if their was proof that the other knowingly had Herpes, did nothing to help protect their partner, and didn't tell the partner before hand either. The main problem with Herpes is that most are carriers and don't even know it, most become infected by people who don't even know they themselves have the virus. Also, if you look in the news there are cases of people suing over being infected with herpes, google "suing over herpes infection" Perhaps its just not publicised as much because of the so called stigma of the virus. Anyhow, I just think it's a bit crazy and does nothing in the end except promote finger pointing and fighting. More stress is the last thing people need. Perhaps more effots should be put into Herpes awareness and educating the general population of its prevelence and ways of preventing it.