I have been reading this forum for awhile now and have discovered I have tried about everything there is to try for gh. I had a cheating husband who gave this to me a long time ago. I'm 50 years old and this virus has wreaked havoc on my immune system. The last 6 years have been constant outbreaks at least one a month, sometimes it is just constant. My white cell count is and has been very low for these years and I'm not sure if it is the herpes causing it to be low or it is something else and it gives the herpes a chance to thrive. Valtrex worked for awhile but it doesn't seem to help much anymore. For those of you thinking about the 10 day cure, I don't think there is one. I have a prescription that I got a couple of weeks ago. It is 1GM caplets to be taken 3 times a day. I have not had any relief from this last OB on this dose and have been on it for 2 weeks. For some reason my immune system is so weakened and this last OB just won't go away. I'm now just searching for away to get my white cell up and give my immune system a boost. I have tried LOTS of things and will continue to search. I don't buy into any Conspiracy theory and I feel sure this is a virus that is here to stay. I just don't want it taking over! I am doing LF's and eating the things I should be. Everyone is different and "maybe" this dosage of valtrex will help others but it isn't "my" relief. I have no doubt I will get this virus to settle down and leave me alone for awhile but I haven't found my "cure" yet.