Hi, wondering if I could get some help here. I have been getting this thing(in the exact same spot) a little below my mouth, on my chin for the last 5-6 years. It comes every 6 months or so, lasts for 3 months, goes away. The spot starts out looking something like a zit and then continues as a dry spot with excessive pieces of skin growing over itself. It varies from itchy to painful. It doesn't matter if I touch or if I don't. It isn't huge but it is noticeable. I went to the health food store and talked to the lady there and this time she gave me some pills with lysine in them. I looked up what lysine was for and it said herpes so here I am at this forum. The dermatologist that I went to like 2 years ago didn't give me a diagnosis and gave me creams that made it way worse(he gave me stuff to treat Acne and it is NOT acne, that I am certain of). What the heck is this thing??? Does anyone have this? It is the most bizarre thing that's ever happened to my body and it drives me insane. HELP. Any kind of ideas would be helpful. Thanks, M.