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Re: Carrying herpes in your system without knowing?
blackcat Views: 14,457
Published: 19 y
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Re: Carrying herpes in your system without knowing?

dont worry about latex shorts. just make sure that the person you are with is a good one. i have to say this virus really made me picky with how i selected my future partners. the longer you have it, the less catchy it is.

they had this gel that blocks herpes:

Feb. 25, 2005 -- A vaginal gel has strong HIV- and herpes-blocking action even an hour after use.

The gel is PRO 2000, now in large-scale clinical tests. It's hoped that the odorless, colorless product -- what scientists call a vaginal microbicide -- will slow the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

The new findings come in a report by Mount Sinai School of Medicine researcher Marla Keller, MD, at this week's 12th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in Boston.

"There is an urgent need for the development of safe and effective vaginal microbicides," Keller says, in a news release. "While condoms offer protection against sexually transmitted infections, their effectiveness is limited because they require partner initiation or consent."

A vaginal microbicide thus offers women a way to protect themselves against HIV and STDs, even if their sex partner refuses to use a condom.

Keller's team randomly gave PRO 2000 -- or an identical gel with no active ingredient -- to 20 women with HIV infection. An hour later, they collected vaginal fluids from each of the women. In lab studies, they tested whether these vaginal fluids could prevent HIV or herpes infection of human cells.

PRO 2000 treatment made it nearly 1,300 times harder for HIV to infect cells -- nearly 500 times better than placebo. PRO 2000 also made it 2,600 times harder for herpes simplex virus to infect cells -- about 260 times better than placebo.

And there's more good news: A microbicide won't do much good if it causes inflammatory responses that make vaginal tissues redden and swell. Analysis of PRO 2000-treated fluids showed no sign of the chemical messengers that trigger these unwanted responses.

The U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases recently announced the start of a large trial testing PRO 2000 and another vaginal microbicide, BufferGel. Unlike PRO 2000, which contains a virus-blocking agent, BufferGel boosts the vagina's natural acidity, which hinders the ability of the virus to infect cells. The 2.5-year trial will take place in Philadelphia, South Africa, Malawi, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Zambia.

PRO 2000 is made by Indevus Pharmaceuticals, in Lexington, Mass. BufferGel is made by ReProtect Inc., in Baltimore, Md.


i havent tried it but maybe its something you could think about for the future when its released to the public.
the showering after sex seems to have kept the guys i have been with outbreak free.
the one was a year long relationship with lots of sex and the one now we have been together for about 5 and no issues. but they both cleaned up after sex.

i think i got it in the first place because i had shaved so my skin was irritated.

for condoms to protect yourself try magnums.

they are made by trojan. stay away from durex. they seem to run small.

heres more info on dealing with herpes and dating:

my opening line to tell someone."do you get cold sores?" "they reply" "well i do and its on my junk" and then i laugh. because i am so uncomfortable. and then i tell them all about herpes and other stds. we go and get an aids test together and i make them read all the info on everything. i also tell them that it opens you up to hiv and that i take relationships very seriously and only want to be with them and not share them and let them sleep around.which is how i really feel. i only had to do this twice and it went really well both times. i do get to know them first very well before i even enter that conversation though.

i look at how they treat themselves and thier friends. in about 6 months somebody's true colors start coming maybe thats something you can do too.


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