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Re: My herpes fight!
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Re: My herpes fight!


Sorry to hear about your problems. For me, I no longer get 'attacks' of herpes. Ten years ago I caught the virus from my girlfriend and after the initial fear and discomfort the condition improved to the point where the attacks came once every few months. I noticed these attacks came when I was tired and or frustrated. So being run-down brings on the symptoms. Now that I have taken steps to improve my well-being, including Liver Flush and more attention to diet - I get a threatened attack once every 6 months if that. The attack never really arrives, it just threatens and goes away. I beleive that a combination of time passing, and paying attention to health have done the trick. Read up on hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) for topical application - this is used if I feel an attack may be starting and H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) stops it in its tracks. I really am not sure if H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) or other factors help here. Maybe both, I don't care too much as Herpes is not a problem for me any longer.

hope this helps


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