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speechlessly50 Views: 2,318
Published: 20 y
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Maybe you do not have Herpes as you don't have an outbreak. Just wait for the test, for it is not much help to stress out now. Also, having it at the genital is not as bad as in the lip, I had it in the genital at 24 year old. My ob/gyn prescribed birth control pills to me when I was 21 year old, diagnosed me with genital herpes at 24 year old but never care to tell me herpes can be transmitted to other parts of the body. Recently, at 34 year old, I transmitted to the lip without washing my hands as scratching the itch while sleeping and touching other body parts half asleeped. When my ob/gyn diagnosed me again as HS2 in lip, I blamed him " Why you never care to put some educational brochures in your office even if you don't have the time to tell me? " I want to sue him, too for not educating his patient. My priority is to heal first. If I have energy I will ask the USA government to put STD educational brochures in all doctors office, even dental office. Does the government want to stop STD? Then in all movie and television programs, they should titled " Don't kiss, bite the ear or have sex with anyone before obtaining the blood test yourself from the place that do blood test. " My ob/gyn responded to my blast " A lot of people take Herpes lightly. One of my patient told me all my friends have it. "

As for the guy who gave me, he took off his condom even after I put on him. At the first time we intimated, I refused but this marketing people coaxed me 4 times in one evening to sleep with him that I found myself have no way out but slept with him once and never see him again. Later this guy kept calling, so he seemed serious. I told him, " If I have AIDS ( for I only AIDS is STD at those time ), I will sure you. " On the first time I had an outbreak, I cried in front of him that this womanizer took pity on me, and told me that he had slept with a girl who has Herpes years before, but never thought he could have it. He never had an outbreak during those 2 years I dated him. Guys, do a man have no blister and fever at first outbreak? How come my ex does not know he has it till I have outbreak? No one taught me about Herpes, especially I came from Asia while Herpes is not that well known. So girls, don't trust those magazine said " Talk with your partner." Just like driving, you have to drive defensively, you can't expect others behaved well like you.


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