I should have written about this before, but there was no interest in rock salt/edema.
While on my first Master Cleanse I lost 12# in 10 days, while using the rock salt. 4 days after coming off the cleanse properly, my legs started swelling with edema. They were soon back to the same condition they were before starting the MC. I am so disappointed, because I thought I'd found the answer to a problem that's haunted me for years. I really do think the salt drew out water while I was on the cleanse. I weighed daily & each day I lost another #+. But you may be right. I may have lost that water weight without it.
After the first couple of days, I felt great on the MC. SMELLING food was hard. Also there was a problem was not being able to socialize with family & friends in our usual environment. This also limited my husbands ability to socialize. I will do it again soon though, hopefully for a longer period of time, because I know it did me a lot of good.