Type A parents linked to Anorexia?
It used to be said that, typically, anorexics would have Type A parents.I don't see that anymore - are they just trying to protect partents, get away from assigning blame? That won't help the anorexics tho - and its not blame, it is assessment for a clear look at the causes and finding solutions.
That fits with the conclusion that {quote: "anorexics are in the situation of having family members become so interdependent that each cannot achieve their identity as an individual.
"In children, part of this dysfunction includes a fear of growing up (especially girls). Restrictive dieting may prevent their bodies from developing in a normal manner, and, in their thinking, restricts the maturational process and maintains the parent-child relationship that the family has come to rely on. " [end quote]
i happen to know some parents of an anorexic who are very much "Type A", upwardly mobile achievers , successfull in all things to the point of being able to deny any problems exist anywhere
- enough money can do that I guess: Find a councellor who won't point it out...
So, did they all go to those councellors, and now we don't hear about the influence of Type A parents? OR - is it that our capitalist culture refuses to print anything negative about "financial and corporate-based success"?
who has heard of this connection, and who has seen anorexics with those types of parents?
or is it all wrong?