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Re: to fastingmeggie
  Views: 1,426
Published: 20 y
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Re: to fastingmeggie

Please don't let this thing ruin your studies and your future though... your brain needs a lot of fuel to function properly... how are your studies going so far? Don't you have any memory lapses or trouble concentrating? You may want to recover from the ED in a while from now, but many people only get a few chances to do well in college. What I mean is, when I was a student, I was under a lot of stress as well and every little decision I made was crucial it seems... I had a scolarship for only 4 years and I lost time, money and energy. You get NOWHERE with a great set of brains if you don't fuel it. Maybe you are not pressured for time or money to perform at your best, or maybe somehow this ED hasn't affected your academic success yet? You still have a chance to grow and develop into an independant young woman, and the more you will take charge of your life, the more comfortable you will feel. College is really only a tiny part of your life, it will be gone in a flash. You WILL have a different kind of life after this. You don't want to be a loser like me, who was so promising and talented, but burned out before she ever even peaked and now depends on her husband to support her... my anorexia didn't give me the energy and brain power that I needed so bad to manage college life and the pressure I put on myself to perform at my best. At the time I thought it was helping me though, and I didn't know how else to cope. I completely wore myself out mentally and physically.
You and your life WILL change SO MUCH... you might actually be a happy girl in a few years from now, with a cute husband and a family, a nice paycheck, a home of your own, whatever it is that you want. Even if you don't like people or ordinary things like raising a family or buying a house, it is way better to be independent cause that way you won't have to bother with anybody.
During my college years, I would lose weight and become so skinny (went from underweight to anorexic weight), and just lose my energy... God, I didn't even realize how difficult I was making things for myself. My environment was so competitive, and I just forced myself so hard and at the same time I didn't eat, it was nuts. I was one of the best students in my class but I was torn up by nerves and anxiety, couldn't sleep most of the time, and overall just had constant nervous breakdowns and memory/concentration lapses, low energy. I was pushing myself extremely hard physically, emotionally, mentally, and I eventually collapsed and had to give up my dream. Oh yes, by the way it was also ruining my relationship. I now realize that it wasn't my studies that were doing this to me, it was just that I didn't know how else to cope than to starve myself systematically.

What are you studying?



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