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Re: Fasting & gallstones

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

hopinso Views: 1,801
Published: 20 y
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Re: Fasting & gallstones

Generally herbs and supplements should not be taken the day of the Liver Flush to allow the liver to rest some. I like to fast before flushing, but I confess that most of the fast have been three day apple juice fasts. I have done three of The Master Cleanse fast that lasted 10 days, 12 days and 9 days, after each one to broke the fast with three days of apple juice (which can help soften stones) and doing the flush the evening of the third day on apple juice. I did the standard Hulda Clark flush , the directions can be found here on Curezone.
Another thing I might mention is that it would be a good idea to stop taking the P&B shakes 48 hours before you flush to make sure your bowel is empty and clean. I did one flush while doing P&B and became quite toxic when the psyllium blocked the quick exit of the gallstones. This may not be a problem for everyone, but I thought I'd warn you.
I think Liver Flushing will be of benefit to you and will help make your cleanse even more effective. I never knew I had a parasite problem until I found segments in liver stones . Flushing will cleanse and stimulate your liver, which in turn may help you bowel and parasite cleanses. Fasting is a great cleansing procedure for the whole body. The cleanse you are doing sounds a lot like I was doing on my third Master-Cleanse where I combined MC, P&B and Parastroy anti- parasite cleanse. I think I pushed myself too far on that one and had to quit the fast a couple of days earlier than I had planned, but still feel I had great success with the parasite and colon cleanse.
PLease keep posting about your progress both here and on the Liver Flush Forum .


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