Re: Thimerosal carries risk
I agree that MMR contains no mercury. With or without Thimerosal, poisoning your child when they are an infant with a MMR vaccine poses serious risks. On the same day you expose your child to MMR, doctors also recommend giving your child other
vaccinations that do contain Thimerosal. The MMR may reduce your child's immune system and the combination may give your child a terrible reaction that studies have dound tie MMR to Autism and other neurological problems. As the father of an Autistic daughter, whose Autism began imediately after her vacinnation, I would never willingly vaccinate my children with any vaccine containing Thimerosal and I would avoid the MMR... unless there a gun pointed at my head or there was an outbreak of the diseases the vaccine was supposed to prevent. The Pharma companies and their paid-for-doctors have already lost my trust so why would I trust them about MMR? The risk is too high for me and my family. One child with Autism is enough of a sacrifice for the status quo in my estimation.
I agree that MMR contains no mercury. With or without thimerisal though, poisoning your child when they are an infant with a MMR vaccine poses serious risks. In the same day you expose your child to MMR, doctors also recommend giving your child other
vaccinations that do contain themerisol. If the combination is bad or if the one conteracts the other, I do not know? Do you? As the father of an Autistic daughter, whose Autism began imediately after her vacinnation, I will never willingly vaccinate my children with thimerisal treated anything and avoid the MMR... unless there a gun pointed at my head or there was an outbreak of the diseases the vaccine was supposed to prevent. The Pharma companies and their paid for doctors have already lost my trust so why would I trust them about MMR? The risk is too high for me and my family. One child with Autism is enough of a sacrifice for the status quo in my estimation.