20 y
Re: Your Point Thimerosal
When I am wrong I will admit it. It appeard that the MMR is a live vaccine and according to both the article cited and the following quote from
"Interestingly, thimerosal is not used in the MMR vaccine around which a lot of the controversy is centred."
On the same day they give the MMR, they do give DTP & HbCV shot that does contain mercury.
15 mos – MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), DTP*++, OPV, HbCV*
4-6 yrs – MMR booster, DTP*++, OPV
11-12 yrs – Adult tetanus, to be repeated every ten years.
A total of 237.5 micrograms of mercury before the age of two years old exceeds EPA's safe levels. A single daily exposure of 62.5 micrograms of mercury at four to six months of age is 41 times above safety standards of 1.51 micrograms of mercury for a child weighing 10 kg (22 lbs.). In 1999, the Public Health Safety (PHS) agencies, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers agreed Thimerosal® should be reduced in vaccines. However, it remains in vaccines such as the DTaP, DTwP, DT, Td, TT, many of the HiB, HepB called Engerix-B®, rabies vaccine adsorbed, meningococcal, pneumococcal, and all influenza vaccines. It is likely then that mercury and aluminum are contained in the DTaP, HiB and possible the HepB vaccines.