I cured myself [19] with Apple Cider Vinegar, Colloidal Silver [up in the nose], and..
plenty of water and rest.
Gargling Cayenne Pepper with Manuka Honey and water helped me, too.
First I would lay on my back on a bed or couch and apply 5 drops of
Colloidal Silver in each nostril. Immediately after I would scoot until my head was hanging over the edge, like I was looking upside down at the wall behind me. I stayed this way for two minutes. I DID NOT SWALLOW!!! .. then I would blow my nose. This happened every two hours.
I took apple cider vinegar shots with 2 parts water and 1 part apple cider vinegar.
I put cayenne pepper in warm water with a ton of Manuka honey and gargled that [it's a bit spicy, though, though some people swear that it helps them tremendously].
I rested PLENTY. Keep flushing the body with fluids [water is best, or fresh squeezed vegetable juices].
When I began the
Colloidal Silver treatment is when I found really good results and the fever began leaving a day or two after [Highest was 102-103].
I used a brand called Super Silver, strength 10.
I hope this helps... best wishes and blessings!