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Malabsorbtion & Inflamation caused by Chelation
schoolgirl Views: 1,140
Published: 18 y

Malabsorbtion & Inflamation caused by Chelation

I did chelation last summer 2005. I opted to do the IV chelation because it would be faster. I was advised by a natropath that it would be fine and would help with hypothyroid and a bunch of other ailments I was suffering from. Anyhow, I found a MD/Natropath who was experienced with chelation. He ran the blood test for my liver and kidney function and thought it would be fine. So I did EDTA and DMPS alternating for 10 weeks. The urine test came back with a huge reduction of overall metals (aluminum, lead, arsenic, mercury). Mercury was still elevated though. I stopped the chelation because I was getting dizzy. Soon after, I started getting inflamation from the foods I ate. Rheumatoid Arthritis became active and I began to loose weight, about a pound a month (losing muscle mass). So after a year now, I've lost 15 lbs which is not good for a small person. Does anyone have any idea how chelation caused more health issues for me? I know this was one of the worst decisions I've made in terms of health. My disgestive system including liver is inflammed sometimes. Please give me some suggestions to get back on track to good health. I've already cleaned up my diet and BM once a day that is formed. The doctors can't seem to understand the connection. Please help!


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