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Re: CRAP I keep gettting sick the better I eat
rudenski Views: 1,265
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 365,847

Re: CRAP I keep gettting sick the better I eat

If you are eating lots of raw veggies...they may have fungus and mold in small quantities... but in the bigger picture may be aggrivating your immune response. Your throat is like a dash light telling you that you need to flush toxins. You might want to try rinsing your raw food with diluted apple cider vinegar and filtered water. This could help kill fungi's and mold that your new diet is adding to your gut flora.

You might also try more apple cide vinegar for quicker results. Whenever I get stuff starting in my throat, I mix up some strong juice 1/2 grape juice/1/2 apple juice with 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a dash or two of cinnamon and turmeric(ginger works too but not for me) and as much cayenne as I can stand- three time a day. I would try that for a few days. If that doesn't finish off the ickies... I would add in a drop of wild Oregano oil to a glass or two of the juice. Oregano Oil will finish off anything else that might be causing problems.

If I was going to use any supplement, I might try magnesium.

If all of that didn't do the trick then I would try Colloidal Silver .

We are all different creatures though...but I would certainly try a lot of different things before I went back to eating crap food again.


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