Sole is an absolute solution of Sea Salt and water. Use a good quality raw salt, I use Redmond Real salt, although it seems Himalayan salt is the most recommended (I'm pretty poor and get the best I can afford and find in my rural area). Start adding to salt to water until no more will dissolve. My sole (so-lay) is almost syrupy and is a gray-brown from the minerals in the salt. The original articles I read said to take one teaspoon of Sole in a glass of water first thing in the morning. I found that when I did that I had more clarity and energy. Sofia suggest using more diluted sole throughout the day. Yesterday and today I had the one teaspoon in a glass of water, then one teaspoon in a quart of water. I really hope this will prove to be the answer to our problem, it seems a lot of women, and men too, have to deal with frequent night time urination.