What kind of water? Is your food organic? Microwaves are not healthy btw.
Take sone timne and go through my In The Raw blog and hone in on a living foods diet that will take you much, much further to balancing your system. Also look into EFT and TAT so you can begin to remove limiting thoughts from your subconscious.
For cleansing your gut, try getting some Pepsin Okra E3, and use both systemic and digestive enzymes as well until you clean out excess debri in your system. keep your diet clean and mineral rich so you don't compund the distress. This will have you going in the right direction. Give up all wheat, meat and dairy. Juice veggies (organic only), use good fats such as hemp oil and olive oil. Utilize avocados, ACV, alkalinizing drinks, etc. Pineapples...lots of them. ALL Natural besides the enzymes. Clean water...distilled for now.