19 y
Re: Feldgling? Anyone..Re: Mountain Dew *edited
* edited: I wrote this post in reply to the first poster before I read J's Mountain Dew post here. Or at least that's what I thought...
I read something recently about Mountain Dew, specifically--
and I can't remember what or where--not much help!!! But I believe it was on Curezone..Maybe post this on the Ask Barefoot forum...
Or was it something in Kalliope's posts, Fledgling, do you remember? The gist of it (I believe) is that Mountain Dew is especially adddictive, and troublesome.
sounds like
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) is most likely a big contributer to the panic... Dehydration (pop is NOT hydrating) can cause all sorts of stress in the body, that will be exaserbated by situations of discomfort.
Oh-- I just saw the terrific message up above!!!
I had read about this before, but I'm so glad to see it again!!!!!