Re: Product reassurance, please
Thanks, Uniquity!
Suspicions confirmed! This product is 'freezing', nothing more. (And it has a DIN number and everything!)
I'm 'older', and have had this condition for months. (Never before.) And I don't have a clue what it comes from.
No, that's not true. I have suspicions. And, I refuse to ask an M.D. because they'll want me to take meds.
For all I know it comes from sitting long hours at the computer, and the salts in sweat.
Recently, I read that Candida overgrowth hates exercise and sunshine. So, yesterday morning we went treasure-hunting on the beach, at 5 a.m. I love this because it keeps me moving for hours, swinging the light metal-detector, and bending. Anti-aging, anti-stiffness, and a whole lot of other good things.
I went to the Candida page from your link. Good info there! They make an excellent point about chlorine, and I'm back to wondering about the role of copper water pipes.
Thank you for suggesting 'Miracle II Neutralizer Gel'! Maybe we can switch this tube for one of those. It's unopened.
When a person gets something they've never had before, they start noticing how commonplace it is. That makes me even more wildly suspicious of what may be going on in the world at large.
I'll continue making positive changes in my healthcare. And I'll post successes loudly and clearly!
It's kind and knowlegeable people like you who are the heart of the CureZone, Unyquity.