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Re: Lapis, Or Someone Do you Remember Why?
unyquity Views: 1,764
Published: 19 y
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Re: Lapis, Or Someone Do you Remember Why?

Howdy Hopinso!

I'm not 'positive sure' about this (and my "crystal trained" hubby of mine isn't around to ask/confirm), but I seem to remember it's because the natural piezo electricity of the quartz causing more negative ions :) The air is so fresh after a storm because of the lightning/electricity/energy through the air/water, and the same with air near a beach/waterfall...the constant movement of the water (energy) both cause exceptional amounts of negative ions.

Here's some information:

--Pyro-electricity - Greek pyr (fire) - certain mineral crystals e.g. Tourmaline become electrically charged when heated.

--Piezo-electricity - Greek piezein (to press) - certain crystals e.g. Quartz when mechanically squeezed along one axis will generate electricity when relaxed. This effect is used in generating accurate streams of pulses to drive clocks and watches and maintain transmitters and receivers of fixed frequencies.

--Science has proven that crystals possess a vibratory energy that generate and emit an electric charge (universal energies).

Tourmaline is a complex silicate of aluminium and boron and Aquamarine is a beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate (so there's some relationship between the two ...and they do both grow in similar geological formations {**--below}) so maybe there's a relationship of the temperature of the water (usually warmer than a rock) and the pyro-electricity. And of course, surrounding a rock in water puts pressure on it (like the squeezing below), so that would generate piezo-electricity. And whenever energy/electricity and water get together, the negative ions come to visit :)

**--Cyclosilicates (Ring Silicates) - In this silicate group the basic building block is a ring structure, in which two oxygen ions of each silica tetrahedron are shared with the neighboring tetrahedrons. the cyclosilicates are typicall very strong with elongated striated crystrals, as in beryl (aquamarine) and tourmaline.

And that's what I can think of/find off the top of my head about that. I do know that MANY metaphysical healers make use of all kinds of elixirs (crystals/rocks soaked in water), so there's bound to be good reasoning/truth somewhere.

Zillions of blessings!



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