19 y
Re: labial excema
Dear Elise,
My problem returned once more, this time with a vengance.
Last night I tried cucumber, and it worked instantly!
I got the idea from
http://curezone. com /blogs/mp.asp?f=573&i=85
My cucumber slice was from an English cucumber, but I didn't care. It was an instant alkalizer, I believe.
This experience, and the article's information, has me leaning toward over-acidity as the primary cause.
Which is probably a sign to get out the acid/alkali foods lists, and to quit smoking. My incentive is really high right now!
However, I just read a post that talked about the absence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The remedy wasn't noted.
I'll try to find out more, and get back to you.
Meanwhile, no more pasta suppers, butter, and very little of only good oils...lots of cucumber.
This isn't funny, is it?