18 y
Re: severe body pain
I was having an enourmous increase in the pain I usually feel. After reading someone elses post, I realized I might be having a problem with something I was taking. I stopped all my vitamins and the pain in my neck, back, jaw reduced dramatically and the headaches stopped.
Also, many people have reactions to aspartame, msg, etc.
In addition, I am trying to tell folks about the issue of lyme disease. I feel so many diseases are misdiagnosed and are actually lyme or some other pathogen. It can include the symptoms you describe. It is actually now thought to be spread by mosquitos, and it's all over the country and the world. Pain and headaches can come from that. I'll give a link at the end of the post with info, and links to where folks can be tested with the newer, better tests.
I assume you meant ebv as epstein barr virus? If so, I'm not expert at this but I'm sure there are ways to pump up the immune system and knock out the buggers. Additionally, I am convinced that many folks are dealing with multi infections that docs just don't test for, including lyme, mycoplasma... Personally, if I could go back in time, I would have had much more exhaustive testing for pathogens early on. However, the better lyme tests have only recently come out anyway.
I wish you the best!