Re: skin and health
Hi gooner,
About your folliculitis:
Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles usually caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria.
Internally, herbs are used to support the immune system to counter the bacteria, and to support the lymph system in clearing the bacteria through the lymph glands. A combination of Echinacea, Burdock root and Yellow Dock root can be taken as a tincture, and Red Clover blossoms taken as a tea, three times a day.
About your candida:
Use Grapefruit Seed Extract,
Days 1-3: ten drops (50/50 dilution, twice daily in vegetable or diluted fruit juice (or one 125 mg. capsule twice daily)
Days 4-10: fifteen drops twice daily (or one capsule three times daily)
Days 11-28: fifteen drops three times daily (or two capsules two to three times daily)
Some people will show satisfactory improvement on the lower doses and therefore not require an increase; on the other hand, some resistant cases may require a slightly higher dose than given above. The schedule may also be modified: for some, the twenty-eight day course may prove unnecessary-two to three weeks may suffice. Once satisfactory improvement is noted, gradually reduce the Grapefruit Seed Extract dosage; if symptoms reappear, a return to a higher dose may be required. A four week treatment may not be sufficient-longstanding chronic cases may require four to six months of constant vigilance.
Anti-biotics are notorious for causing candida. The anti-biotics destroy the good bacterial flora in your intestines that prevents yeast (candida) from spreading into your body.
About the mold:
Add 20 or more drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract to a 32 ounce pump sprayer filled with water.
Spray a mist in the air around the rooms to kill the mold spores. (Grapefruit Seed Extract air mist)
About depression:
Gaba and L-Tyrosine will greatly help. You can get these two supplements at most any major vitamin supplier.