Re: flaxseed in water or on food?
Dear Katie,
I'm glad to hear that you're grinding your
own flaxseed. I'm convinced that eating
fresh-ground flaxseed is the key to preventing -- or healing -- a host of nasty
degenerative conditions.
I mix my ground flaxseed with organic fruit
juice. I've never tried mixing it with water.
Sounds like it might be a bit bland.
I eat the flaxseed with my mid-day meal,
which is the big meal of the day for me.
But I really don't think it matters WHEN
you eat it. Your body will put it to good use.
because it needs the many nutrients in golden,
organic flaxseed.
I usually grind some bee pollen granules in
with the flaxseed. Bee pollen is another food
that is absolutely full of vitally needed nutrients. I've been buying my bee pollen for
years from Beehive Botanicals, a little store
up in Wisconsin (
They often have 2 for 1 sales, The bee pollen
is clean and delicious. Consider giving that a
try, Katie.