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Re: Vertical fingernail ridges
kathryn101 Views: 16,324
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 358,909

Re: Vertical fingernail ridges

Hi William...Great name..that's my husbands name. He's 60 and I still call him
"Billy"...we've been together since we were he'll always be 'Billy' to me.

NOW...vertical ridges on fingernails...You can tell a lot about a persons health
by their fingernails. I don't understand these woman who put on false nails...
they're poisoning themselves right through the nailbed. GADS!!! HOWEVER...if they
went to the doctor with a nail problem...he wouldn't know what the problem was
anyway. But that is so bad for their health.

Vertical ridges can indicate several things...and I have them on occasion myself.
It could be an iron deficiency...or it could even mean you're prone to arthritis.
OR that something is going on with your kidneys. I've even had the 'bumps' in a
nail or two...and that means 'prone to arthritis,' also. I feel certain that's what
it means on me...because I don't have iron or any other vitamin deficiency.

We teeter back and husband and I...on our 'health routine'...and if I
kept a journal...I'd bet that when my ridges go's when we are on the
juicing, barley green, etc...and are sticking to it fairly close.

I've even had one of my nails to 'split' down one of those ridges 2 or 3 times.
That's very painful.

If I were you...I'd get on a healthy eating juicing if you have a juicer. Eat lots of least over half of your diet raw...many programs
recommend 80% raw diet. Leave off the processed foods and sugar. Do some walking
and if you can...get a mini trampoline at Walmart for about $20 and just bounce
lightly (your feet never have to leave the trampoline) for about 10 minutes ...once
or twice a day.

And for that chest pain you've had...I'd switch to Christopher's Cayenne capsules...take them every day.

Nails that turn under on the tip...can indicate a possible respiratory or heart
problem. But you can even turn a heart problem around if you want to and will work to do it. Watch for the book on ebay "Reversing Heart Disease" by Dr Dean's wonderful.

Hope some of this has helped. Sorry you went so long with no response. kathryn


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