Vertical fingernail ridges
Hi All
A few years ago I noticed vertical ridges on my finger nails. At first when they appeared, they where short (about an 1/8
inch long) on my ring and pinky fingers only. Now the ridges are the full length of the nail and on all my fingers.
I asked a Nutritionist 6 months ago what it was and what I could take for it.
She responded that my adrenals were not working well enough, and that I take (1) Adrenal Support and (2) HS-II (Nature's Sunshine Vitamins) 3 times with meals a day.
I feel like I have more energy, but twice on my way home from work recently, I have experienced mild chest pains. I took a teaspoon of paprika with water as soon as I got home. The pain went away instantly, but as you might guess I am a little worried.
The fingernail ridges havn't gone away either.
I'm 46 years old and hoping you can help me with 46 more wonderful years.