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I've used the Himalaya Liver Care product for years.
Owen Views: 21,185
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 358,861

I've used the Himalaya Liver Care product for years.

Dear Stannarad,

I've been using Himalaya Herbal products for
about 10 years. I take a tablet of their
Liver Care formula every day, to protect
my liver from the kinds of problems that you
are unfortunately experiencing. Overseas,
the product is known as Liv 52. In the USA,
it's called Liver Care.

Himalaya Herbs began doing business in 1930.
They introduced Liver Care in 1955. It's the
most widely used liver care product in the
world. 300 separate studies have been done
on Liver Care (Liv 52). All of the scientific
findings have been excellent.

You are considering another product also; one
with which I am not familiar. But I went to
their website and took a look. The BioCare
product contains mostly standard-brand
vitamins. I didn't see any Indian herbs listed, but perhaps I missed them.

Here are the age-old Ayurvedic herbs that
are found in Himalaya's Liver Care (Liv 52):

1) Caper -- A well-documented hepatic stimulant and protector, which improves the
functional efficiency of the liver.

2) Chicory -- A powerful hepatic stimulant that increases bile secretion and promotes

3) Black Nighshade -- An herb that promotes
liver and kidney health, and is particularly
valuable in cases of liver toxicity caused
by alcohol or drugs.

4) Arjuna -- a famous herb that is a tonic for
the heart and liver. It regulates cholesterol.

5) Yarrow -- It's a stimulative tonic for the

6) Tamarisk -- A liver stimulant that also
provides digestive support.

I buy Liver Care in bottles that contain 180
tablets. The cost is $27.95. That's a six-month supply, if you take one tablet a day,
as I do. Since your liver is hurting, you might want to take 2 tablets a day.

I trust Himalaya implicitly. You don't survive
in the herbal business for 75 years, unless
you're doing a lot of things right. I use a
half-dozen of their herbal products -- all
part of my prevention plan -- and they seem
to work for me.

I hope someone gives you some feedback on the
BioCare product, Stannarad. Then you can listen to your intuition, and make a wise choice.




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