Hey there, thnx or the info. Checked your site.
Nice effort but frankly I find it difficult to understand.
It is a mish mash of info (mostly elaborations of what you do not
know and failed attempts to find a solution) in a journal format.
Would it be possible to re-organize the site and focus on what you do know.
I don't mean this as a backhand, I think you're right, mostly.
A few questions if you don't mind. Maybe you can clarify a few things so we can get to the point.
(1) You say there is no regulation. There is the TCO regulation. I have a TCO
99 LCD and it does not have any cadmium, or led. It does have mercury but only for the backlight as there is no technology that can replace it at the moment.
As far as I know, TCO2003 LCD monitors are totally clean. But I’m not sure.
(2) Radiation is only given off by CRT monitors. LCD monitors work in totally different manner and there is 0 radiation. If you know otherwise, please clarify this in DETAL because I want to check up on what you say.
From all that I’ve read on how LCD monitors work, it is impossible for them to give off any radiation. There are many articles on the net on how LCD's work and even very detailed description of how they are made. Here is a simple one
(3) electrical & magnetic interference is not the same as radiation. Is there any proof that LCDs give off harmful amounts of electrical & magnetic interference?
(4) You talk a lot about contrast issues on your site. I can tell you this from my own experience. You are going in the wrong direction. Do not decrease contrast, increase it. If that hurts your eyes you got a bad monitor. Increase the contrast and turn on the lights in the room. Make sure you have a large 19LCD so your eyes are not strained as 17 and 19
inch LCDs are set to a 1280x1024 resolution and that makes reading text very difficult on a 17" LCD.