What do you put your tumeric in to take it? You've mentioned this to me before,
and I had just forgotten all about it and never did start using it.
Also, our daughter (now 31) had 2 abnormal paps several years ago and I researched
and gave her folic acid. I tried after the first pap looked bad, but she wouldn't
take it. When the 2nd one came back worse, she finally listened. The 3rd one,
3 months later was clean as a whistle. All we did differently was up a few of her
regular vitamins, Vit C, B complex and added additional folic acid.
Ok, when you have time, let us know what you put your tumeric in to take it. I know others probably wondered also.
And if you don't mind, email your answer to me personally. My mother-in-law is going rapidly downhill and this week has been a nightmare. I'm rarely on here except very early in the morning. And some mornings I don't even make it on here
once. But I do check email every time I run home. Thanks...talk to you soon. kathryn