Dear 40845,
About four years ago, one of my best friends
called me. He told me that his girl friend
had just received a "scary" pap-smear test from her doctors. He asked if I had any
suggestions. I said I did, and asked him to
bring her over to my condo for a talk.
When they arrived, the woman, in her early
40s, seemed quite nervous. The three of us
spent several hours talking about what should be done. I made some suggestions to her -- which I'll list in a moment -- and then they
Three months later, the woman called me. She
was a VERY happy camper! Her latest pap-smear
test was perfectly normal. Her doctor told her
"to keep on doing what you're doing."I urged
her to do the same.
The woman had been eating meat and processed foods all her life. My first suggestion was that she adopt an eating regimen of mostly living foods, and give up the junky food and drinks. She said she would
try to do that.
Next, I suggested she begin taking a supplement called AHCC. It's made from five
medicinal mushooms, plus an extract of rice
bran. I just posted a long, two-part post on
Cancer Forum (3 days ago) that explains
the cancer-killing powers of AHCC, and where
to buy it. Check out that post.
I also suggested she try the Budwig diet:
cottage cheese and flaxseed oil. I told her
to buy Barlean's flaxseed oil, and the best
cottage cheese she could find in her health
food store. She said that would be easy.
Last, I told her to buy some broccoli sprouts
at the supermarket, and begin eating them
every day. Broccoli, itself, has strong
cancer-preventing powers, but the sprouts are
100X more effective than the mature plant.
Here in South Florida, you can buy sprouts
for less than $3.00 a box. I grow my own,
but there wasn't time to get her into that
kind of indoor gardening.
She did it all, to one degree or another,
and her pre-cancerous condition disappeared.
Last I heard, she was a happy, healthy vegetarian.
If she came to me today, I would recommend
several other herbs. Pau d'arco and graviola
are proven cancer-killers. I wrote about both
of them extensively in that three-day old post
on the
Cancer Forum .
And I would also recommend she (and you) take
a level teaspoon of turmeric, twice a day.
Turmeric is the main ingredient in Indian
curry. You can buy a shaker of organic turmeric at your health food store for about
$3.00. I take 1,000 mg (about one-half of a
level teaspoonful) every day for a variety
of reasons. The main ingredient in turmeric
is curcumin, which helps prevent and reverse
cancer, and is a safeguard against Alzheimer's
diease. Curcumin is ESPECIALLY effective against cancers which occur in the female
reproductive organs.
Here's what Doctor David Williams, a top-rated
alternative physician, had to say about Curcumin (turmeric) in his newsletter of November, 2005:
"Curcumin helps prevent cervical cancer. It
binds with the proteins that make cervical
cells cancerous, and prevents the event. Curcumin also helps reduce
parasites in the
He goes on to say that he's sure the widespread use of curry (turmeric/ curcumin)
is the reason that India has only one-tenth
of the four leading cancers -- colon, breast,
prostate, and lung -- that ravage the United
States. He suggests 4 to 8 grams a day of 95
percent Curcumin capsules if you have cancer.
I suggest that you take 4 to 8 grams of turmeric. It's cheap, easy, and you KNOW
you're geting the curcumin. Who knows what's
in a capsule? 4 grams would be two level
teaspoonfuls (I just measured it in the kitchen!). I'd space out my doses over the
course of the day.
If any of that resonates with you, 40845,
give it a try. And if, in 3 months, your
pap smear comes back in perfect condition,
give us some feedback about what you did to
heal yourself.
I will keep you in my prayers! I am sure
that your story is going to have a happy ending.