EDIT to include links: Gabriel
My father several years ago had colon cancer metasticized to the liver with multiple instances in the liver. We believe his liver function was compromised for years prior. Any liver damage or congestion makes treatment very difficult whether orthodox medicine or alternative because the agents cannot make it to the liver. I wish I had known more back then before he passed I would have tried other things to deal with his liver . He passed from effects of cachexia and acidosis combined with the toxins they pushed in greater amounts to try to reach a failing liver. All of this had him down but not out until a breach of good spirits by a play doctor at the hospital.
We utilized
Essiac tea and ip6 (inositol hexaphosphate)which may work to starve the cancer cells of iron that is needed for them to proliferate
http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FDN/is_3_7/ai_88823874 with other common herbs to greatly kill and reduce tumors in the colon before he started chemo and radiation but the liver was relatively unaffected.
In a stage 4 with someone who is left to die and in dire straits and with liver function (organs) failing it is of importance to (A) kill the cancer cells quickly by alkanizing them directly cesium chloride/dmso treatment with MSM
this is something I began to research.. something drastic is needed before an organ fails. (B.) alkanize the rest of the body not only through the slower route of the alimentary canal but also alkanizing
colonics or enemas (sodium bicarb or other alkaline water)will do temporarily since the surface area of the colon is so great and effective at absorbtion. When an organ begins to fail acidosis will begin and this can help slow effects. (C.) begin administration of Hydrazine sulfate
http://alternativecancer.us/hydrazinesulfate.htm an very powerful anti cachexia remedy and sometimes effective supplemental cancer treatment which will reverse cachexia or loss of appetite and the resulting draw of minerals from the system and also help combat acidosis. After the patient is more stable other dietary things can be implemented and ip6 (inositol hexaphospate) which will kill cancer cells without producing necrotic tissue.
I did not get a chance to utilize the last 3 procedures with my father thanks to some intern who snuck in behind our backs on Christmas Eve and told my father he was going to die. Even though we had reversed catchexia without Hydrazine sulfate but with the help of high doses of glutamine (precursor to gluthathione)
http://www.lef.org/protocols/prtcls-txt/t-prtcl-029.html and other branched chain
aminos, he succumbed to the hands of the doctors (friends)that he worked along side with in his own hospital.
It is very important that along with treatment to keep the spirits up of the patient as well as anyone (medical professionals included) who will come in contact.
Please everyone
flush your liver !!! I have done 30-35 since I saw my fathers liver that was riddled with cancer and most likely stones and other congestion.
Love A