fish from a lake in India
Hi there,
I have been a vegan/vegatarian for most of my life. I have not eaten fish for about 20 years.
Although from the UK, I live in a remote place in india in Andhra Pradesh now. There are practically no good health thingys I can get here.
Last year I fell very sick with thypoid and Heatitis E (both at the same time).
I was hospitalised for a month in a room with almost no sunlight (tinted windows) Since then I what the doctors in bangalore call "reactive arthritis" and all they can give me for this is calcium and Vitamin D supplements, but the supplements make me vomit.
I feel the urge to eat fish, but being so out of touch with the whole thing am abit worried.
The fish will be coming from a large lake in Andhra Pradesh, not the sea, it is Goverment owned, and I am told that they don;t add any chemicals to the fish once they are in the water.
My question is how safe do you think this fish is...will it be heavily polluted....and whats the risk of being heavily infected with disease, and any suggestions on what precaustions I can take on cooking the fish.
I am not sure at the moment what the fish available here is called, their indian names are very different, but will try and find out or get a picture.
thanks Anj