Re: 3rd post.. need help please
Hi 47984...I remember posting to you a while back...maybe a month ago...and you
said you were told you had a torn intestine...right?
So how are you doing with the red, gritty stools...has that stopped? How is the
tummy it gone...better...about the same?
Whatever you have going on...I sure wouldn't be doing the enema with the information
you posted a while back. If you'll just leave most food alone for a few days...and
juice carrots, apples and spinach...your bloating will settle down...your tummy will
begin to heal...your pain will get better if it's still there. Start each day
with the whole lemon squeezed in a cup of very warm water. Get some of the
pulp in there too. Start with the lemon...and then do only
juicing for the rest of
the this for several least 3 or 4.
This is what "I" would do if I were you. You need to heal your tummy...get rid of
the bloating...the pain...whatever you have. If I were you...I'd drink carrot juice
for several days....and make some of it with as little food as you
can get by with...and whatever you eat...make it very, very healthy. If you need
something extra...why don't you try the cottage cheese and flax oil...let that do
it's wonders, also. You can survive on that for 3 or 4 days, at least...and let
some rest and healing take place in your tummy.
I hope you'll post and let us know how things are going otherwise. And forget enemas
for now. If you're going to do anything else the carrot
can add apple and or spinach or both. But let things settle down...and then go
from there. If you're willing to do that...let me know.
I want to help you...and tried before. kathryn