Re: some pressure in my throat and persistent dry coughing... can this be cancer...?!!!?? please help :(
Hi wittlewabbite!
I had the same fear when last year, my sore throat wouldnt go away for over three weeks. I was sure I had throat cancer.
I went on this oral
Cancer Forum (not at Curezone) and found out from there that I actually had "Throat Thrush"
That is a cute name for 'candidas" or yeast infection of the throat. This is before I knew i had
parasites too, by the way- and
parasites and candidas go hand in hand.
The one member at that forum told me that if I take plain yogurt (with all the active cultures) and the throat feels better temporarily- then that's a sign it is Throat Thrush.
So I began taking lots of plain yogurt- and also gargeling with apple cider vinegar.
Also-- if you ever suck on any cough drops or candy, i'd suggest only those sweetened with Xylotol or Stevia- (Stay the heck away from
Aspartame or other artificial sweetners in your situation)
There is a gum I use called "Xylochew" made by the Tundra Trading Company. You can get it online- They also sell lozenges as well. Xylotol is so good for you that it can even reverse cavities in your mouth if sucked on three or 4 times a day. It isnt chemical but actually plant derived from -- I think birch tree bark - or something like that.
Do not drink any sodas-- especially diet soda, it'll strip your throat ph.
Drink no black teas or coffee. Only herbal teas. Coffee and black tea strips throat ph.