I dont know what the medical arena would call it or how they would treat it but on the natural aspect of things you should try meditation[healing the body soul and mind]and things like that.if you like your comfort zone then maybe you should take tiny steps in getting out of it a little.baby steps are good. diet can have a bit to do with it as well as toxic relationship.stay away from people who are toxic or atlest refuse them your ear cuz after all its your heath.Smile and say hi to one new person a day,it really can help with keeping the blues away.
good for you throuwing those toxic thought away.get a jar and when you have a thought like that write it down and throw it in that toxic jar and when its full throw it away with the toxic waste.you sound wonderful and caring.I wonder if you might feel that if you show your heart to someone that they may hurt it.
if you would like to email me ,you can at dlbonhomme gmail.com
My name is Dawna