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Glycine can eradicate H. pylori infections.
Owen Views: 3,781
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 354,396

Glycine can eradicate H. pylori infections.

Dear Kandies,

Dr. David Williams April newsletter is devoted almost
entirely to the healing benefits of whey protein.

At one point, he mentions that glycine, a very common
amino acid, has been successfully used in Japan to treat antibiotic-resistant H. pylori infections. Let me
quote Dr. Williams:

"Glycine was able to eradicate the H. pylori infections on its own, but the researchers also discovered that when glycine was used along with the antibiotic, amoxicillin, the amount of the drug needed was reduced
by 90 percent."

Whey protein powder contains healthy amounts of glycine,
although not enough to cure your condition on its own.
Williams suggests that people buy glycine from Jo-Mar
Labs ( or call 1-800-538-4545. I've
purchased other products from Jo-Mar, so I know they're

I hope this is helpful to you. Keep us updated on what
you decide to do.




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