Constipation haven't found any cure
Hi Shelly!
I have a question about constipation. It seems to me being on the constipation forum, that there's very different things helping different people. I'm thinking it might be because there are different causes of constipation. For me, I'm eating very healthy food, lots of flaxseed, olive oil, veggies and fruits, but it doesn't help. I have also tried a bunch of different things, prune juice, prunes, magnesium, kalcium, psyllium husk, Robert Greys products several times, enemas, colonics, cascara sagrada, regular constipation medicine from doctors, senna seed, probiotics, enzymes, hot tea in the morning with honey, ginger, and some other recommended remedies. I took
Antibiotics for four months in a row which made the problem worse although it was pretty bad to begin with. I took if for ME/CFIDS and got a lot better during that time Dr. Nicholsons treatment, but eventually I felt my constipation was getting somewhat worse than before so stopped treatment and got sicker again. I am also sure I have
Ascaris in my intestines and am thinking they might be a part of the constipation problem, but the
parasite killing herbs are not relieving the constipation. It's been a year since I took the
Antibiotics and no difference seen yet. Do you have any suggestions, should I try the more expensive things like Schultze, oxy cleanse or similar, or do I just have a lazy bowel? When I was a teenager I used to have constipation and then diarrea alternating, so wasn't to worried about it as I am now, and am really tired of doing enemas all the time.