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Re: panic attacks and h.pylori
yemaya Views: 5,885
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 353,021

Re: panic attacks and h.pylori

If you let your homeopath know that you want to understand what is going on it is important that he tell you..... or you might want to find a new doctor..... You have the right to know what is going on... and anyways, your more anxious about it know that he wont tell you!

Panic Attacks can be caused by many things.... but homeopathy is going to treat the emotional syptoms in order to correct the physical symptom... if you find a good homeopath then you should see yourself progressing...but you need it to be someone you trust and someone who will answer your questions.

The loose bowelmovements and panic attacks come together often... I couldnt say if it is because of the a stomach problem...... but I can say that after 3 parasite cleanses and some Liver Flushes I went from having 3 panic attacks a day to none ever....



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