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Help! What Is Going Wrong??
raymond Views: 1,119
Published: 21 y

Help! What Is Going Wrong??

Something VERY weird has happened in the last 24 hours. I went to bed last night feeling fine. As soon as I laid down, I felt freezing, which is normal when I first go to bed. However, throughout the night I felt as if ice was running through my entire body. I was covered in layer after layer of warm covers and blankets and still shivered the entire night. I woke up at 5am and took my temperature - it was 95.8 degrees. My normal is 98.1 I previously purchased some Yogi Tea Ginger and drank some of that to try to warm up my insides. Wow! That stuff really has a kick to it. I was exhausted so I went back to bed.

During our daily errands, we stopped at Wal Mart and I decided to test my blood pressure. Now I usually run normal-low blood pressure, but after FOUR tries, my blood pressure was at least 25-30 points below normal-low. Between this and my low temp - I am very concerned to say the least.

I called our local Ask A Nurse hotline if they knew what could be causing this. She recommended I call my doctor. He said it sounded like hypothermia but agreed that didn't make sense. He asked if I was dizzy, which I was, but said it didn't warrant me going to the ER unless my dizziness got worse. He suggested I try putting some salt into my system to get my blood pressure back up. I asked him if I should drink some warm salt water and he suggested saltine crackers.

I also drank a cup of hot Sleepytime tea to calm my nerves and try to warm myself up and also took a hot/warm detox soaking bath. My temp was only 96.1 when I got in, but obviously it went up once I got out of that hot/warm water to 98.2. It is starting to slowly creep back down.

Do you have any ideas what could be causing this? To give myself a break, I stopped taking the Coptis, Curcuma and GCG over the last week. I also took a break from the P&B. I do not think any of this could be contributing to this problem, but at this point I am completely baffled. I feel very odd, still dizzy. The bath made me feel normal for about 15 minutes, then the dizziness and cold feeling came back. It has been two weeks since my last liver flush.

I just don't know what to do about this. I have taken nothing new and have only taken a break from the other things mentioned above.

Do you have any thoughts on this?

I appreciate your input.



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