Re: biggest liars on earth
well, there is really not that much more to tell(i lie). lol
not knowing what was wrong with me was frustrating. i got an initial diagnosis as chronic
Depression and severe add. the psychiatrist damn near killed me with speed and antidepressants. i tried four different kinds and had allergic reactions to all of them. my doctor just said to let him know when i was ready to try another one! i looked him in the eye and said, "ya know, doc, maybe seratonin isnt my problem!?" this was the best psych in fairbanks, alaska and i pulled strings in the medical community to get him. i was in fairbanks for over twenty years and i knew most everybody. i went from a member of the community in good standing and owning my own home to nothing. and there was no help.
finally i fired all my doctors and decided to try anything i could find that looked like it would help. i asked god to guide me and i trusted him that i couldnt hurt myself. the whole journey has been a lesson of monumantal proportions. the most significant thing that i came to realize was that i was the canary in the mine. i was the tip of the iceberg. and i was not alone.
since then i have tried everything i could and much of it helped. it is amazing what you can do on your own and with no income. but i must tell you, even though i know some remarkable treatments, there really is only one cure. like MH says, get everything out of you that isnt you, and eat human food and get plenty of sunshine. that really is it. and it is damn near impossible to do these days. you have to make everything you put in your mouth count toward your health just to counteract the things you cant do anything about. most people i see now are the walking dead and they just dont know it. and it is happening younger and younger. it is a crime, truely.