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Re: Is there any way to just make them come off by themselves
bahir327 Views: 1,380
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 34,755

Re: Is there any way to just make them come off by themselves

When I had my first one put in at 13, it came out when I was chewing a starburst. Then I went back and he put it in again. I have 3 right now. I'm going to get someone to take them out.

but maybe using clay over them during the day and night when you're not chewing will make them lose metal - so they're easier to break, or they might slowly dissolve into the clay.

It might take awhile. But I think it could happen because when you chew, some of those metals are lost into your body anyway. This would just bind to it without swallowing it.


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