More information.
According to certain properties in the krill, the omega 3 in Krill Oil is much more viable, meaning you absorb more.
But still, I take 1 TABLESPOON a day of cod liver oil, I KNOW I'm more than covered.
AND CLO has vitamin A and D, D being the one most north american are defficient in.
And again less expensive.
Krill Oil does have what seems to be the most potent antioxidant on the planet.
I can beleive that considering it is the sole source of food of some whales, so they need the best they can get. So it is quite possible it has a better omega3 formulation and the antioxidant is the most powerfull.
Seeing as I take 5 grams of chlorella a day, I'm not worried about antioxidants not being in my diet.
Stick with the tried and true, Cod Liver Oil and save some money :) .