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Some foods that help you detox.
Owen Views: 7,217
Published: 19 y
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Some foods that help you detox.

Dear Anne,

Like you, I had my Amalgam fillings
removed a few years ago. But I've
still got a lot of metal in my
mouth, including a bridge and several gold crowns.

I use foods and supplements to
detox my body of heavy metals.
I make a cilantro-pesto that is
delicious, and eat a spoonful of it
every morning. Cilantro, according
to Doctors David Williams and Jon
Barron, binds with mercury, and removes it from your body.

I also eat spoonfuls of several
green superfoods that contain, among
many other ingredients, chlorella.
Chlorella, according to Doctor
Joseph Mercola and others, has a real talent for binding with heavy
metals, and flushing them from the

I also eat an apple EVERY day. Apple
pectin helps chelate heavy metals.
So do mung bean sprouts, which are
particularly effective in removing
lead. I grow my own sprouts. Very
easy and lots of fun.

You also want to drink LOTS of water, preferably distlled. Keep an
inland sea inside you. All by itself, pure water will flush all
kinds of toxins out of your body.
I drink about a gallon every day.

If any of that resonates with you,
Anne, give it a try. Good Luck!



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