Barbara Volz: healed of CMT
I do not have Charcot Marie Tooth disease. I was diagnosed in 2000 with a subset of fascioscaplarhumeral dystrophy called scapular peroneal dystrophy. However, in my search for a cure, I found a book written by a lady named Barbara Volz, who was diagnosed with CMT. I called to order the book and got the author on the phone. She told me her powerful testimony of how the Lord healed her.
If you have CMT or know of a loved one who does, please get in contact with Barbara. Yes, the Lord healed her, but she went to a naturopathic doctor, went on the Hallelujah Diet, did
Liver Flushes and body work and other things to get well. Barbara trusted God to heal her His way, not man's way.
CMT is not incurable. Someone has cured it. It can be done.
Here's a link to Barbara's website.
Hope this is of some help.
Many blessings,