Re: That's a bit unfair...
i have to hand it to you, the information you have given is the number one reason that this country has been so healthy for so long. it is not vaccines, or
Antibiotics , or other drugs or surgery, but plain old fashioned cleanliness. it would behoove us all to bolster those good habits.
my reaction carried some baggage with it and for that i apologize. allopathic medicine has long tried to take the credit for healthy lifestyle while at the same time made gross amounts of money off of those who have conned into accepting the unhealthy lifestyle now common to most americans. those who have bought in to the if it feels good or tastes good or smells good, do it pay for it with poor health and then go to doctors, not for a cure, but for the ability to continue what will ultimately end in their demise.
i think the bird flu is political almost in its entirety, and the fear generated stands to make some people a lot of money and others a lot of power in government. to me, that is the bottom line.
i love curezone because it is free. there is a forum here for selling things that might benefit people, but most of those things are material products. the education on curezone is for the taking and that is what bothers me about your cd and
Kevin Trudeau s book and any other truth that people should be aware of simply as a matter of their basic education. i have considered selling products i could make or information i could format in a text and i dont see the fairness in that. i have been freely given to so i freely give. forgive me if i have tried to foist my philosophy upon you. i wish you the best in your endeavors, and please check out the selling forum as well.